Why Host Your Website With Itomic?

May 8, 2019

Ross Ross Gerring

Itomic Australian Website HostingYour website is the public face of your organisation. It’s the first impression that visitors will make of you. Therefore you want your website to be:

  1. Presentable
  2. Mobile-friendly (‘responsive’)
  3. Functional
  4. Fast
  5. Easy-to-use
  6. Standards-compliant
  7. Accessible
  8. Secure
  9. Available 24/7

Some of these attributes will be hard to consistently achieve if your website hosting isn’t of sufficient quality. You might be working with the best website design/development company in the world, but this isn’t enough. This isn’t the full-stack. So it makes sense to choose a hosting service and provider of high, and consistent, quality.

One of Itomic’s points of difference relative to other development agencies is that we’re a hosting provider ourselves. We’ve been providing Australian website hosting – single and multi-tenant – since 2000. The majority of sites we host are ones where we, Itomic, are the principal provider of website design and development services. But equally we’re happy to provide high quality hosting and associated support services to organisations where other developers are in the driving seat.

The first thing to decide is whether or not your website(s) requires shared or dedicated hosting. If you’re not sure the difference, and need help deciding, please read our brief article here:

OK, so now you’re clear on whether shared or dedicated hosting is more suitable for your organisation.

Why choose Itomic to host – and develop/support – your website?
  1. One throat to choke if things go wrong – as they will – on rare occasions. We can never pass the buck, point a finger at your hosting company, and say “it’s them, not us”, and vice versa.
  2. Experience. We’ve been doing this since 2000. Ask us for referees who will testify to our service levels, human and server. Assume correctly that backups, security, stability, etc. are all taken care of, as standard.
  3. Familiarity. We’re going to do our best, fastest (and more economical) development and service/support work on a server that is configured, provisioned and managed in sync with all our other servers. (tech hint: we use SaltStack to help us with this).
  4. Superior price/performance. Are we the cheapest? We sincerely hope not! Cheap is not consistent with quality. If you want cheap, go with GoDaddy or similar. Service will likely be by email only, and likely not local/Australian. But we’re nowhere near the price of the top-end of town, especially after you factor in the cost of the hosting AND the human service and support levels.
  5. 24/7 support. If you have a business critical hosting-related support issue outside of normal business hours, call us regardless. Tell the operator it’s urgent, and this initiates an escalation procedure to get a suitably qualified technician onto your case.
  6. Flexibility. There’s no doubt that dedicated hosting allows more scope for technical flexibility than shared hosting. But either way, if you have specialist technical hosting requirements, we’ll do our best to accommodate. We don’t have to ask another provider for permission.
  7. No bill shock. Did your website exceed your shared hosting bandwidth or storage allowance? Do not fear, we’ll never surprise you with excessive overage fees. Instead we’ll assess the usage and where appropriate recommend a simple upgrade for the future months. Upgrading from one level to the next at least doubles your storage and bandwidth allowance, and the pricing increase is nominal by comparison.

Ready to get on-board, or have more questions? Please do contact us today.

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